Sunday, January 4, 2009

Turning over a new Leaf

My family has always taken New Years seriously- both as an opportunity to celebrate memories and achievements, but moreover as an opportunity for reflection and growth. One very bumpy plane ride and a tear jerking book are the passages through which 2009 has begun to take shape in my life. Usually unfazed by flying, when our plane hit the worst turbulence I’ve ever endured, I found myself more than elated to be on the ground. Perhaps it was the turbulence or reading the Last Lecture , but as we page forward in time this January, I am fully embracing the New Year.
I hope this New Year is also finding you in good spirits to carry throughout the next 12 months. Regarding the obligatory (again, my family took NYE seriously) resolutions- I’ve got a list full. However, this blog is a testament to my most fulfilling resolution that started as a brave idea sometime in 2008. It’s a resolution to be more conscious of the environment and my impact on it, a resolution to enjoy the good things in life without taking them for granted and a resolution to keep the creativity alive.
If you’re looking for to make a green resolution or two- check out this list of 5 easy to incorporate green ideas that will have you turning over a new leaf! Happy New Years!

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