Thursday, March 31, 2011

"No name" style

I recently watched Secrets from a Stylist. It left me confused. While I loved the tounge-in-cheek names Emily uses to describe her client's style- "southern-scottish", "single malt nouveau" or "industrial kitsch loft", it made me feel more lost than ever that I don't have a "style" per se. So often as a blogger, your personal style is a calling card, the ultimate marketing tool and the utter definition of your presence on the web. I struggle putting myself into a particular box. Do you?

There are a few images lately that have screamed-- this is me! Although they can't be relegated to a particular style, I would say each of these interiors makes me think that I could walk right in and be at home. I can't put my finger on this "no-name" style, but perhaps that's not the point. Perhaps labels are needless; perhaps, personal style is an evolution. One that leaves the door open to possibilities. Emily, if you're reading, this is my style diagnostic!

{images, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

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